Keeping you moving
GLA:D® is an evidence-based education and exercise program developed by researchers in Denmark for people with osteoarthritis symptoms of the hip and/or knee. The program was introduced to Australia in 2017, with Wakefield Sports and Exercise Medicine Clinic becoming the first clinic in South Australia to begin running the program that same year. We continue to be one of the biggest providers of the program in Australia.
Current national and international guidelines recommend patient education, exercise and weight loss as the most effective first-line treatments for osteoarthritis. The GLA:D® program addresses all three of these components to effectively manage the condition and is individually tailored to suit your level of function. Suitable GLA:D® program participants may include:
What to expect
Research from Denmark shows the GLA:D® program reduces osteoarthritis symptom progression 32%. At the Wakefield Sports and Exercise Medicine Clinic, we have achieved:
Other outcomes include less use of pain relief, less sick leave, and increase confidence in joint function. GLA:D participants report high levels of satisfaction with the program and increased activity levels within 12 months.
The GLA:D® program at Wakefield Sports and Exercise Medicine Clinic involves:
At the end of the program you will have:
If home-based exercise is not suitable for your circumstances, we have the following physiotherapist led-options as well:
We offer a flexible timetable at our Next Generation Clinic, with classes during the day, in the evenings, early mornings and Saturday mornings (link to timetable). If you cannot attend the clinic for any reason, we do offer some telehealth sessions where you can participate in GLA:D from the comfort of your home.
GLA:D Australia Registry
As well as providing the treatment framework for osteoarthritis, the GLA:D® Australia Team at LaTrobe University collects research data from participants. This data is de-identified which means that it can't be used to identify participants. We ask you to complete questionnaires with information about your health and your experiences with osteoarthritis before you start, then at 3 months and again at 12 months. Your clinician will also undertake some progression tests. The GLA:D® Australia team will use this information to work towards improving access to the best possible care for the people with osteoarthritis.
Interested in attending our next GLA:D® Hip/Knee Education Series?
Email us at with your Full Name, DOB and Phone Number and don't forget to add in the Subject Line: Next GLA:D Hip/Knee Education